时间:2024-05-15 10:11 点击:
经商外交部、国家发展和改革委员会、交通运输部、商务部、文化和旅游部、海关总署,并报国务院批准,国家移民管理局决定在中国沿海省份全面实施外国旅游团乘坐邮轮入境免签政策。现公告如下: 自公告之日起,乘坐邮轮并经由境内旅行社组织接待的外国旅游团(2人及以上),可从天津、辽宁大连、上海、江苏连云港、浙江温州和舟山、福建厦门、山东青岛、广东广州和深圳、广西北海、海南海口和三亚等13个城市的邮轮口岸免办签证整团入境,旅游团须随同一邮轮前往下一港,直至本次邮轮出境,在中国境内停留不超过15天,活动范围为沿海省(自治区、直辖市)和北京市。 为支持邮轮旅游发展,决定将大连、连云港、温州、舟山、广州、深圳、北海等地的7个邮轮口岸新增为中国过境免签政策适用口岸,方便符合中国过境免签政策条件的外籍旅客乘坐邮轮过境。 特此公告。
Notice on Implementation of Visa-Free Entry Policy for Foreign Tourist Groups Traveling by Cruise Ships
Announcement No. 4 [2024] of National Immigration Administration
After consulting with the Ministry of Foreign Affairs, the National Development and Reform Commission, the Ministry of Transport, the Ministry of Commerce, the Ministry of Culture and Tourism, and the General Administration of Customs, the National Immigration Administration, following the approval by the State Council, has decided to implement a visa-free entry policy for foreign tourist groups traveling to China's coastal provinces by cruise ships. The announcement is detailed below: Effective immediately, any foreign tourist group consisting of two individuals or more arriving on a cruise ship for a trip organized and handled by a Chinese travel agency may enter as a whole into China without visas at one of the cruise ports located in the 13 following cities: Tianjin, Dalian (Liaoning Province), Shanghai, Lianyungang (Jiangsu Province), Wenzhou and Zhoushan (Zhejiang Province), Xiamen (Fujian Province), Qingdao (Shandong Province), Guangzhou and Shenzhen (Guangdong Province), Beihai (Guangxi Zhuang Autonomous Region), and Haikou and Sanya (Hainan Province). All foreign tourist groups under this circumstance are obliged to continue their journey to the next scheduled port and depart from China by the same cruise ship as scheduled. Visitors may remain in China for a maximum of 15 days. In addition, foreign tourist groups are permitted to travel within the coastal provinces (including autonomous regions and municipalities directly under the Central Government) and Beijing. To promote cruise tourism, China has expanded the coverage of its visa-free transit policy to include seven new cruise ports located in Dalian, Lianyungang, Wenzhou, Zhoushan, Guangzhou, Shenzhen, and Beihai, streamlining the transit process for eligible foreign passengers by cruise ships. |